Vista known for its annoying permission control. I struggled with this problem after reinstalling Vista. Some of my folders on D drive which seperated from C (where Vista located) could not be able to access due to lack of permission. Hey, I'm an administrator of this computer, am I ?
Spinning with the problem hours, sometimes just want to get back to XP for god's sake.
Fortunately, I found solutions to this problem which make Bill happier (for I don't have to be back to XP).
All you have to do is just "take own" back your folders by doing the following commands.
Spinning with the problem hours, sometimes just want to get back to XP for god's sake.
Fortunately, I found solutions to this problem which make Bill happier (for I don't have to be back to XP).
All you have to do is just "take own" back your folders by doing the following commands.
For Files:
takeown /f file_name /d y
icacls file_name /grant administrators:F
For Folders or Directories (will perform action recursively):
takeown /f directory_name /r /d y
icacls directory_name /grant administrators:F /t